Altogether now. The #colour_collective colours from 2015 to 2017.
This is the first time I've actually sat down and put all of the CC colours together in one place. I hadn't even realised that the last colour of 2017 was our 150th!
#colour_collective is a great way of trying something new with your work, extending your palette or
giving some old work a fresh airing. Each of these colours symbolises dozens of original pieces of artwork that might not exist without that particular prompt; what an amazing thought! If you haven't joined in either on Twitter or Instagram, don't wait to be asked. It's such a friendly and supportive group and absolutely anyone can take part. This week's colour is Cinnabar Green and posts at 19.30pm GMT this Friday 2nd February.
Feel free to download this image as a PDF so you can peruse all of those gorgeous colours at your leisure...